HIMSS MBP Leadership Forum, Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, October 6 & 7, 2010

Our Leadership Forum is fast approaching and we invite you to save the date early for this important event! On October 6-7, 2010, our traditional Medical Banking Leadership Forum is changing format somewhat…all attendees will be placed into a stakeholder category and become part of our first G7 Roundtable. Stakeholder categories include: providers, banks, plans, consumers, government, technology firms and employers. This is a one-of-a-kind event to discuss a pressing issue – real time adjudication – and to provide your critical feedback into a national process that we have planned.

We will be assessing at least three aspects of “real time adjudication”:

(1) technological readiness;

(2) health payments interoperability; and

(3) health care reform – administrative aspects.

Note that the New York Times ran an article on this topic last Sunday – “See You In 6 Months. And The Insurer is OK With Your Bill” - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/27/business/27digi.html?src=busln. John Casillas responded to the column and received a response back so they are aware of our work and we’ll be updating them on further developments.

The nation’s first G7 Roundtable will be held at the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health in Nashville, Tennessee. We are working with our sponsors and Vanderbilt University to organize a press event just prior to the G7 after which all press will be asked to leave so we can get down to business!

Thank you for saving October 6-7, 2010 on your calendars for our G7@HIMSS MBP Leadership Forum more information to come!

Best regards,

HIMSS Business-Centered Systems Staff

June 30, 2010 in HIMSS, Leadership Forum, Medical Banking Institute | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Governor Bredesen, Mayor Dean, Commissioner Kisber Welcome Anchor Tenant To Nashville Medical Trade Center

Largest U.S. Healthcare Association Focused on Information Technology To Establish Presence in Nashville

NASHVILLE, Tenn. –Governor Phil Bredesen was joined today by Nashville Mayor Karl Dean, Matt Kisber, commissioner, Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development and the CEOs of Market Center Management Company and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) to announce plans by HIMSS to create a presence at the recently announced Nashville Medical Trade Center. With the announcement, HIMSS becomes the first anchor tenant for the medical trade center, slated to be built on the space currently occupied by the old Nashville Convention Center at 601 Commerce Street.

“I could not be more pleased HIMSS has agreed to a permanent presence at the Nashville Medical Trade Center,” said Governor Bredesen. “Nashville and the state of Tennessee already have a strong reputation in the area of health care information technology development and innovation. HIMSS’ presence here will make our state a center of excellence in this increasingly important area of health care delivery.”

“When we announced the Nashville Medical Trade Center last November, I felt confident that Nashville was the right place for this one-of-a-kind innovation in purchasing for the healthcare industry,” said Mayor Dean “The decision of HIMSS to locate a permanent healthcare technology showcase in Nashville is validation of that confidence. I am certain that today’s announcement will soon be followed by other significant lease announcements with companies in the area of healthcare technology.”

The space occupied by HIMSS at the Nashville Medical Trade Center is expected to become a permanent home for the Society’s Interoperability Showcase, a state-of-the art, interactive demonstration showing how health IT applications share patient data across a range of healthcare settings. The Showcase will be the premier demonstration platform for the latest in healthcare information technology.

“A permanent, year-round destination for HIT activity and innovation would only be possible inside this groundbreaking marketplace,” said H. Stephen Lieber, president and CEO of HIMSS. “By joining the trade center are we able to reach more participants, demonstrate meaningful use more completely, and offer more flexibility than ever before.”

“We are thrilled to announce a sustained alliance with a leading global healthcare organization,” said Bill Winsor, president and CEO of Market Center Management Company.  “The HIMSS mission to provide global leadership for HIT complements our efforts to create the complete marketplace for healthcare ideas and innovation.  A permanent showcase will capitalize on the significant investment of time and expertise of organizations and companies participating in the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other events.”

“This announcement is the result of the strong partnership between Market Center Management Company, the state of Tennessee and Nashville,” said Commissioner Kisber. “Healthcare companies recognize Governor Bredesen has been a leader in the area of e-health development for nearly a decade and with HIMSS’ announcement, Nashville and Tennessee will play an even bigger role.”

A former health care CEO, Governor Bredesen was instrumental in the creation of the Mid South eHealth Alliance in 2006 and that same year, created the Office of e-Health Initiatives at the state level. In 2007, he was appointed to co-chair the National Governor’s Association’s State Alliance for e-Health along with Vermont Governor Jim Douglas. Under Governor Bredesen’s leadership, the state has spent more than $14 million to connect more than 2,000 healthcare providers and pharmacists to promote electronic prescribing systems, making Tennessee one of the five fastest growing states in the country in electronic prescribing practices.

About the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

The Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s mission is to create higher skilled, better paying jobs for all Tennesseans. The department seeks to attract new corporate investment in Tennessee and works with Tennessee companies to facilitate expansion and economic growth. To find out more, go to www.tn.gov/ecd or www.investtennessee.org.       

About MCMC

Market Center Management Company (MCMC) is an international wholesale trade center and tradeshow management company based in Dallas, Texas.  MCMC and its owner, Crow Holdings, own or manage trade centers and tradeshows on three continents – Asia (ShanghaiMart), Europe (Brussels International Trade Mart), and North America (Dallas Market Center, GlobalTex: LA International Textile & Sourcing Fair), totaling more than 10 million square feet, more than any other single international company.  Within the MCMC trade centers and tradeshows, customers from around the globe source products directly from manufacturers including home furnishings, gifts, decorative accessories and lighting to textiles, fashion accessories and apparel.  The dozens of trade events each year hosted by MCMC are attended by hundreds of thousands of customers from all 50 states and more than 84 countries.  MCMC’s Web site is available at www.marketcentermanagement.com. twitter.com/MedTradeCenter.

Media Contacts:

Contact:  Mark Drury (ECD)
Office:    615.532.8880 (office) 615.330.7587 (cell)

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact:  Janel Lacy (Mayor)                        

Office:    615.862.6020 (office)  615.438.3416 (cell)

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact:  Cole Daugherty (DCMC)                           

E-mail: [email protected]

April 28, 2010 in HIMSS | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Social Media and Medical Banking

Something to point out: HIMSS has - as of 3/23/10 - over 1,700 fans on Facebook, over 4,600 Twitter followers and close to 27,000 members in its LinkedIn group [started May 2008]. These communities were built slowly over time with a focus on quality interactions starting from zero.

March 25, 2010 in HIMSS | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

HIMSS11 Call for Proposals and Reviewers Now Open

The Call for Proposals and the Call for Reviewers for the 2011 Annual HIMSS Conference & Exhibition—Feb. 20-24 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando—are now open.

The online proposal form and reviewer application are available through May 24. Individuals interested in submitting conference education proposals should spend time reviewing the many available online resources including information on intended audiences, various topic categories and evaluation criteria.

Annual HIMSS Conference reviewers are the backbone of the entire Annual HIMSS Conference education process. Reviewers are the first to see proposals submitted to HIMSS through the call for proposal process. Reviewers and their recommendations are incredibly important to the Annual Conference Education Committee and the role that they play in the proposal selection process. Finally, reviewers are an important resource for presentations that are selected to move forward to the annual conference; they act as coaches during the presentation preparation process and as moderators for the presentation during the conference.

This is an opportunity to make a mark on the 2011 Annual HIMSS Conference & Exhibition. Share expertise and an organization’s real-world experiences with health IT. Become part of the largest health IT conference and exhibition in the world.

For more information on submitting an education proposal for HIMSS11, contact HIMSS Manager of Annual Conference Education Debra Clough at 312-915-9559.

March 24, 2010 in HIMSS | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Dear 8MBI@HIMSS10 Attendees

First of all I want to thank you very much for taking time to join our effort. I appreciate it and I hope you derived value. If not, I would like to know. Let me know what you would change too. This is free form – send me an email. I will acknowledge all replies and we will factor your suggestions into our 2011 planning process.

Our vision is simple: design an efficient healthcare financial network. By accomplishing this we can as an industry convert some $35 billion in wasted dollars so providers can offer better care, or expanded care, in their communities. To do this we must evolve and facilitate sustaining models. I want to say that again. Our efforts must focus on sustaining models. That is truly the only way to grow this area that, while having great social goals, must survive the ebb and flow of commerce and competition. This is one good reason why we are developing a new, neutral, G7 Roundtable of engagement. We need great “move forward ideas and solutions” that integrate the good work done to construct building blocks (privacy, technical standards, specialty payment systems, etc) into efficient end-to-end healthcare financial networks.

Our short term focus must now move from learning about how the HIMSS global engine can propel our movement (what we covered at the Institute) to discrete case studies of medical banking innovation in the marketplace. We need to focus on the pragmatic while at the same time evolving thought leadership. HIMSS Medical Banking Project will keep this new paradigm of activity and ideas in front of our membership. One way we’ll do this is by merging content areas in medical banking, financial systems and payer administration…and we will seek to develop resources targeting medical consumerism as well (globalization of healthcare, medical tourism, account-based plans, etc). The “tsunami” of 5010/ICD10 transformation is also a key forward focus as are other areas (mHealth, community care platforms, fraud and abuse, etc).

We look forward to, and frankly need, your continued engagement. Please join HIMSS MBProject if you’re not a member today. Our membership plan has changed dramatically in terms of cost and a whole new layer of benefits! We need your input ALL YEAR LONG, not just at the Institute! Thanks so much again for spending time with us in Atlanta!

John Casillas
Senior Vice President
HIMSS Medical Banking Project, Business and Financial Information Systems
230 East Ohio Street, Suite 500
Chicago IL 60611-3270
www.mbproject.org / www.himss.org
HIMSS...providing HIT leadership through knowledge and education for the betterment of healthcare. Go to www.himss.org to see how.

March 11, 2010 in HIMSS, Medical Banking Institute | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Very Helpful Folks at HIMSS10 Meet the Bloggers Session #3

Brian_Ahier_Meet_The Bloggers_twitpic

Twitpic by Brian Ahier


Cesar Torres, Manager, All Things Webbie, Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, has a thread on linkedin.com asking for follow on thoughts about HIMSS10 in general. Here are some responses:







Gwen Darling, HealthcareITCentral.com [Healthcare Informatics magazine]:

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Best Practices for EMR Delivery to Clinical Staff (Citrix)

HIPAA and HITECH - Made Easier with Citrix

Mobile Computing in Healthcare - a really old idea (Citrix)


March 4, 2010 in HIMSS, Medical Banking Blogging | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

HIMSS10 8th National Medical Banking Institute Opening Panel: The Healthcare Financial Network of the Future

Moderator: Sheila Schweitzer, Vice President, HIMSS MBProject Advisory Council; Chief Executive Officer, Ingenix/CareMedic, St. Petersburg, FL

Co-moderator: Zahoor Elahi, Vice President and General Manager, Health and Financial Network, FIS Government, Education and Healthcare Solutions, Dallas, TX



Ralph Bernstein, Senior Vice President, Healthcare Payment Solutions, US Bank, Minneapolis, MN

D. Dean Mason, Chief Executive Officer, HSA Bank, Sheboygan, WI

Justin Freeman, Senior Vice President, Treasury Management Product, Manager - Lockbox and Healthcare Products, Wells Fargo, Dallas, TX


Charlie Martin, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Vanguard Health Systems, Nashvile, TN

John Mattison, MD, Assistant Medical Director, Chief Medical Information Officer Regional Director, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA


Ernie Clevenger, Chief Executive Officer, CareHere! (former president, SIIA, former persident, WEDI), Brentwood, TN

David M. Gruppo, Business Development Executive, IBM Research, Hawthorne, NY

1) How can providers and payers come together to form an electronic payment process that is transparent, fully accountable and efficient?

# # # #

2) In the absence of healthcare reform what should the industry be doing to revolutionize the healthcare financial network? Do consumers play an important role in this (consumer demand)?

# # # #

3) How can banks partner with healthcare groups to advance the “health-wealth” paradigm for the consumer?

Standards important. How to achieve? Who maintains? CORE standards example not widely adopted (failed?) MasterCard|Visa model came up with a mapping approach--Which works well for their business case. Incentives (why). Need a process. (Cost of money example; who gets the float?; play the game to get paid; friction costs because of the adversarial relationships). Data showing the difference between cost and price of procedures. Adjudication at time of service would help with catching fraud.

"CEGIS" (sp?) FSA adjudication

Health behaviors data collection (PHRs) to enable analytics to drive the culture of health management (like pension fund managements tools)

HCIA; Subimo

Dean Health is a key financial asset

Radiologists would be a good case study of providers

HIMSS G7 Strategy -- assumes 3 year project

March 1, 2010 in HIMSS | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

John Casillas on Designing the Healthcare Financial Network of the Future

At HIMSS10, John Casillas reviewed the Leadership Forum at the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health to answer the question:

The Network has been built and its 2012. What does it look like? What are the characteristics?

Top Level Findings:
1) Far greater visibility across all transactions
2) A common effort organized by a neutral body
3) Required to create standards/best practices
4) A quasi-government body to enforce standards
5) Healthcare Federal Reserve-type system
6) Standards must be mandatory for using the Network
7) All players must share the value of the Network
8) A persistent effort is needed

To coordinate the stakeholders as new, emerging functional requirements of the Network are isolated and payers come together to form an electronic payment process that is transparent, fully accountable and efficient?

2. In the absence of healthcare reform what should the industry be doing to revolutionize the healthcare financial network?
Do consumers play an important role in this (consumer demand)?

3. How can banks partner with healthcare groups to advance the “health-wealth” paradigm for the consumer?

Casillas takes the topic further at the International Journal of Medical Banking.

March 1, 2010 in HIMSS | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Designing the Healthcare Financial Network of the Future - The Medical Banking Institute@HIMSS10

Designing the Healthcare Financial Network of the Future, a centerpiece program that seeks to support overall health improvements by leveraging banking systems, is being offered on March 1-2 at the Omni Hotel in Atlanta, in conjunction with HIMSS10. The program's theme focuses on a new, multi-year global strategy tied to HIMSS' acquisition of the Medical Banking Project earlier this year. The Medical Banking Institute@HIMSS10 is open to all HIMSS attendees interested in the medical banking area.

Industry leaders representing payers, providers and other stakeholders will convene in a neutral setting to identify and discuss critical path issues that currently impede cross-industry efficiency. Topics include emerging functions in the new 'healthwealth' paradigm to standards and best practices that simplify and automate workflows. The Institute will feature sessions on health data privacy and security in banking channels as well as discussion that contextualizes general healthcare trends against medical banking metrics; a senior level banking panel that will help healthcare providers and payers to understand how banks are investing in revenue management technologies; and case studies that show the emergence of bankdriven community care platforms and more.

Preceding the Institute, HIMSS Medical Banking Boot Camp will offer attendees an overview on the emerging role of banks and financial institutions in healthcare. The Boot Camp will meet from 1-5 pm on Feb. 28, at the Georgia World Congress Center. Registration for the Institute and Boot Camp is now open. Visit http://www.mbproject.org/8MBI2010.php for more information. In addition to the Medical Banking Institute and Boot Camp, one of the Views from the Top sessions will explore why banks are interested in healthcare and examine the synergies between healthcare and treasury management. During Medical Banking: An Emerging Strategy to Improve Global Healthcare on March 3, attendees will hear how the world's largest custodial bank (with over $23 trillion in assets under custody) is gearing up for investment in the healthcare industry and how banks can help bring efficiencies to healthcare processing. For more information on this and other Views from the Top sessions, visit http://www.himssconference.org/viewsfromthetop General brochure here.

January 13, 2010 in HIMSS, Medical Banking Institute | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

HIMSS Strives to Help Build Healthcare Financial Network of the Future

Conference Attendees Interested in Medical Banking are Welcome at the 8th National Medical Banking Institute @ HIMSS10 in Atlanta

CHICAGO – (December 8, 2009) –  Designing the Healthcare Financial Network of the Future, a centerpiece program that seeks to support overall health improvements by leveraging banking systems, will be offered on March 1-2, 2010 at the Omni Hotel in Atlanta, Ga. The program is held in conjunction with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference & Exhibition at the Georgia World Congress Center from March 1-4, 2010.

The program’s theme focuses on a new, multi-year global strategy tied to HIMSS’ acquisition of the Medical Banking Project earlier this year.  The Medical Banking Institute@HIMSS10 is open to all HIMSS attendees interested in the medical banking area.

“Demands on financial systems, both domestic and global, have created new roles for banks, said John Casillas, senior vice president, HIMSS MBProject, Business and Financial Systems. “There is a growing need for banking systems to improve fiscal processes for payers and providers.”

Industry leaders representing payers, providers and other stakeholders will convene in a neutral setting to identify and discuss critical path issues that currently impede cross-industry efficiency.  Topics include emerging functions in the new ‘health-wealth’ paradigm to standards and best practices that simplify and automate workflows.

The Institute will feature sessions on health data privacy and security in banking channels as well as:

  • Discussion that contextualizes general healthcare trends against medical banking metrics;
  • A senior level banking panel that will help healthcare providers and payers to understand how banks are investing in revenue management technologies;
  • Case studies that show the emergence of bank-driven community care platforms and more.

Preceding the Institute, the HIMSS Medical Banking Boot Camp will offer attendees an overview on the emerging role of banks and financial institutions in healthcare. The Boot Camp will meet from 1-5 p.m. on Feb. 28, 2010 at the Georgia World Congress Center.

Registration for the Institute and Boot Camp is now open. Hotel reservations can be made through Ambassadors.

Visit the HIMSS Medical Banking Institute Web site for more information. Find out more about HIMSS10


The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is a comprehensive healthcare-stakeholder membership organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded in 1961 with offices in Chicago, Washington D.C., Brussels, Singapore, and other locations across the United States, HIMSS represents more than 23,000 individual members, of which 73% work in patient care delivery settings. HIMSS also includes over 380 corporate members and nearly 30 not-for-profit organizations that share our mission of transforming healthcare through the effective use of information technology and management systems. HIMSS frames and leads healthcare public policy and industry practices through its educational, professional development, and advocacy initiatives designed to promote information and management systems’ contributions to ensuring quality patient care.  Visit www.himss.org for more information. 

For more information, contact:

Joyce Lofstrom/HIMSS

312-915-9237 – [email protected]

December 8, 2009 in HIMSS, Medical Banking Institute | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack