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HIMSS MBP Leadership Forum, Vanderbilt Center for Better Health, October 6 & 7, 2010

Our Leadership Forum is fast approaching and we invite you to save the date early for this important event! On October 6-7, 2010, our traditional Medical Banking Leadership Forum is changing format somewhat…all attendees will be placed into a stakeholder category and become part of our first G7 Roundtable. Stakeholder categories include: providers, banks, plans, consumers, government, technology firms and employers. This is a one-of-a-kind event to discuss a pressing issue – real time adjudication – and to provide your critical feedback into a national process that we have planned.

We will be assessing at least three aspects of “real time adjudication”:

(1) technological readiness;

(2) health payments interoperability; and

(3) health care reform – administrative aspects.

Note that the New York Times ran an article on this topic last Sunday – “See You In 6 Months. And The Insurer is OK With Your Bill” - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/27/business/27digi.html?src=busln. John Casillas responded to the column and received a response back so they are aware of our work and we’ll be updating them on further developments.

The nation’s first G7 Roundtable will be held at the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health in Nashville, Tennessee. We are working with our sponsors and Vanderbilt University to organize a press event just prior to the G7 after which all press will be asked to leave so we can get down to business!

Thank you for saving October 6-7, 2010 on your calendars for our G7@HIMSS MBP Leadership Forum more information to come!

Best regards,

HIMSS Business-Centered Systems Staff

June 30, 2010 in HIMSS, Leadership Forum, Medical Banking Institute | Permalink


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