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John Casillas on Designing the Healthcare Financial Network of the Future
At HIMSS10, John Casillas reviewed the Leadership Forum at the Vanderbilt Center for Better Health to answer the question:
The Network has been built and its 2012. What does it look like? What are the characteristics?
Top Level Findings:
1) Far greater visibility across all transactions
2) A common effort organized by a neutral body
3) Required to create standards/best practices
4) A quasi-government body to enforce standards
5) Healthcare Federal Reserve-type system
6) Standards must be mandatory for using the Network
7) All players must share the value of the Network
8) A persistent effort is needed
To coordinate the stakeholders as new, emerging functional requirements of the Network are isolated and payers come together to form an electronic payment process that is transparent, fully accountable and efficient?
2. In the absence of healthcare reform what should the industry be doing to revolutionize the healthcare financial network?
Do consumers play an important role in this (consumer demand)?
3. How can banks partner with healthcare groups to advance the “health-wealth” paradigm for the consumer?
Casillas takes the topic further at the International Journal of Medical Banking.
March 1, 2010 in HIMSS | Permalink
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