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Keynote Panel - Banking on Better Healthcare


John Casillas, Chair, Medical Banking Institute


Al Briand, Division Head, BNY Mellon Treasury Services Product Management and Strategic Development, New York, NY

Making the case for standards allowing for economies of scale and will determine the success of medical banking

Mentioned SWIFT and messages moving capabilities; they should be studied to see how they produced their standards

Paula Fryland, Senior Vice President and managing Director- Corporate Banking, PNC Bank, Louisville, KY

Local level:

Community involvement, community development

Boards members at community hospitals

Charitable giving - building facilities, fundraising


Health NPOs liquidity markets have collapsed, banks have stepped up

New solutions:

Extending and/or customizing current products or services

Point of Sale technologies

Whole new solutions

Pete Wheeler, Wells Fargo

Leading by example to create knowledge dissemination

WF 281,000 employees; HSAs, wellness program

Huge deposit base, huge lending base, huge brokerage presence, huge mutual fund presence, huge geographic reach

As employees go to other companies they bring their knowledge of the medical banking options to others firms


Global angst re: banks

PNC: Virtual wallet, healthcare 10s of millions of dollars in business investment, incredible opportunities in administrative transactions of hc, including noncredit products to build relationships

BNY Mellon: Can't count on certain aspects of traditional business so discovery of new opportunities must be explored; there must be a business case for them; friction (not seemlessness in transactions) means opportunity; consumer-centered healthcare; health custodians

WF: Opportunities coming from the synergies of combining 2 banks

Question from floor: quality rating on bonds

How will existing clearinghouse and transaction engines be tied together; current "RAILS" in place

How will XBRL and international standards impact -- bring as many players to the table to create and apply the standards

Economy of scale is THE DRIVER

Super-regional and community banks: Smaller banks have many healthcare related account; train a couple of SMEs first, build portfolios over time; attend conferences and be involved in groups active in the space

Will banks repeat their earlier investment in automation to accounts receivables

Health Wealth Portals? Convenience for either business or retail banks is important; cell phone convergence metaphor

How does hc impact your strategy? PHRs??? Wealthy individuals request new services; back office accounting of wealth management tools

How does the money saved by more efficient transaction being targeted to indigent care by hc orgs impact your banks? Banks have not recognized indirect benefits of their efficiencies investment in the communities they serve

TAKE AWAY: Economy of scale is THE DRIVER, standards are THE ENABLERS

March 13, 2009 in A Bank-Driven eHealth Ecosystem, Community Care Platform, Medical Banking Institute, Medical Consumerism | Permalink


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