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Ignacio Valdes Editorializes on HIMSS response to HR 6898

Ignacio Valdes is the editor of Linux Med News and has been a proponent of open source in health care. He recently posted this notice of his editorial to the Open Source Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Association. It (and associate posts at LMN) may or may not be of interest:

"Health Information and Management Systems Society HIMSS has presented their response http://linuxmednews.com/PDFs/Final_HIMSS_Response_to_HR_6898.pdf to H.R. 6898 which favors open source software and Veterans Affairs VistA: '...The private sector makes significant investments in research and development for healthcare IT products. Healthcare IT is available via a competitive market in which vendors compete on the basis of price, quality, and functionality of a product. The development, routine updating, and provision of an open source "healthcare information system" is not the role of the federal government and such product development should remain in the private sector...'

I have penned a saucy little editorial response here: http://linuxmednews.com/1222727586/index_html

-- IV

September 30, 2008 in Cooperative Open-source Medical Banking Architecture and Technology | Permalink


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