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Medsphere and Tolven to 'Surround, Supplement, and Renew' VistA
Posted by ED
Ignacio Valdes [[email protected]], editor of Linuxmednews.com, sent a pointer and some comments out to the American Medical Informatics Association Open Source Workgroup which might be of interest to those in the Medical Banking industry. Tolven participated in a recent Medical Banking Project event.
Medsphere and Tolven announced ( article here ) at the annual HIMSS show that they will form a new partnership to "Surround, Supplement, and Renew" VistA as a viable platform for forward thinking health care organizations. The announcement is loaded with buzz-words, but a close read implies that Medsphere is attempting to reach out to other providers to include them in their currently non-existent ecosystem.
This has potentially very interesting ramifications for VistA which has been languishing for nearly a decade. I believe it is a race to save the patient with renewed and collective investment versus being overwhelmed into irrelevance by the blistering pace of other, newer technology. This should be a STAT! page to the entire VistA community that more effective collaboration will be required to save this valiant trialblazer.
Link to article: http://linuxmednews.com/1204042379/index_html
February 26, 2008 in Cooperative Open-source Medical Banking Architecture and Technology | Permalink
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