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Kathleen Nolan

Kathleen Nolan, MPH
Health Division Director
National Governors Association
Center for Best Practices

Kathleen Nolan was named director of the Health Division in 2004, soon after joining the National Governors Association in the Center for Best Practices. As Division Director, Ms. Nolan directs research, policy analysis, technical assistance and project development for all health issues. The division works with states to share and implement best practices on health care issues facing states including health care quality, health IT, coverage initiatives, public health programs, and long-term care. Kathleen Nolan joined NGA after several years with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, where she was Senior Director for Prevention Policy, and supervised policy work in relevant areas. Ms. Nolan also worked as a Research Associate with the Institute of Medicine (IOM), where she conducted policy research work in bioethics, disability programs, managed care, and quality improvement. Before moving to Washington, DC, Ms. Nolan served as a Program Specialist in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, with various legislative, regulatory, and policy duties. Kathleen received her M.P.H. from the George Washington University, and her B.A. in psychology from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota.

March 6, 2007 in Speaker Bio | Permalink


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