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Douglas J. Spence

Douglas J. Spence
Chief Operating Officer
Foresight Corporation

Doug Spence joined Foresight in 2000 to help expand the company’s healthcare and global business offerings. His vision and partnership with Foresight’s BC/BS customers paved the way for Foresight’s deliverance of first-time mission-critical solutions and business intelligence to healthcare.  Today Spence is a familiar face in the healthcare community, and serves as Chair of the Medical Banking Institute’s President’s Council Standards Subcommittee, and is actively involved with NPAG, NCHICA, WEDI and AHIP, among others.  Before joining Foresight, Spence led the sales, development and operations divisions in major corporations and most recently served as President of The Huntington Service Company, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huntington Bancshares, Inc. Previously, Spence served as CIO and vice president of corporate operations at CompuServe Corporation, where he oversaw worldwide data center provisioning and management, corporate engineering, IS, IT and supply chain management.  He is a Guest Lecturer at the Ivan Allen School of Business at Georgia Institute of Technology, where he earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.

March 6, 2007 in Speaker Bio | Permalink


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